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Africa Travel Co.
Montreal Drive
Airport Industria, Cape Town South Africa, 7525 +27(0) 21 385 1530
Areas Serviced
The list of areas within Africa that the company oversees safaris and overland expeditions is very extensive. Including Masai Mara Safaris, Tanzanian Safaris, Kilmanjaro Climbs, Kenya overland vehicle expeditions, Zanzibar overland and gorilla parks, many other major and minor cities within Africa.
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PawsMint - Where Every Tail Tells A Story Of Love And Care!
At Pawsmint we’re head over paw in love with our pets and we know you are too! Whether it’s tackling health hiccups decoding quirky behaviors or navigating those “ruff” days we’re here to dish out solid advice.
But we don’t stop there! We will work with you and your furry family to make the most of every wag an MoreVIEW THIS BUSINESS LISTING »
Lllreptile Your One Stop Herp Shop! Online Since 1996
Reptile supplies and exotic reptiles are what we specialize in here at LLLReptile. We are dedicated to bringing you top quality service great selection and guaranteed low prices. Quantity buying allows us to sell our vast selection of REPTILE SUPPLIES at unbelievably low prices. We also offer REPTILES and other exotic anima More VIEW THIS MARKETPLACE LISTING »
Africa Travel Co. is one of the best established overland companies in Africa and is completely African based. We operate a fleet of specially built safari vehicles, in ten eastern and southern African countries, and each year sees us introduce new and innovative itineraries. Choose when and where you want to travel, select your favourite activities and travel with your friends, family, colleagues, school mates.
We started in 1990 with one office in Harare, Zimbabwe, and after 18 years of hard work and commitment and with a professional approach, we now have operation and retail offices backed by maintenance centres in Nairobi (Kenya) and Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe), while our head office and main workshop is in Cape Town (South Africa).
There is no other overland company that has this level of support in Africa in the overland safari industry. Our safaris are designed to stimulate your senses and take you on an exhilarating journey through diverse cultures, incredible wildlife and exceptional landscapes that will leave you breathless.